Monday, August 24, 2009

Whatever will be will be

I am an average american (female) who was up until recently used to working two jobs. I lost my full time job and came very close to battling homelessness on a daily basis. Instead of the awful fate I saw crashing down on me at what seemed like the weight of a thousand elephants sped up to the tune of a cheetah running in fastforward mode on a t.v. set, I decided to join the army. I have come close to air traffic control, packing parachutes, and jumping out of an airplane on a regular basis. Short of it all I really wanted to be a kindergarted teacher (one of the perks is college which I will take advantage of soon), however now I am scheduled to become a generator repairer. Nervous? Not really the work of an angel but I'll get there some day, no I'm not nervous just extremely shy and sick of feeling like I'm stuck in a pincher. I never really respected people in the military before basic training I just thought I did, and now I just know that I will never understand their sacrifice without really having to deal with the loss myself. I don't believe in war, I just know that they believe what they are fighting for and they really do suffer losses on a daily basis. I agree with what Albert Einstein said "Peace cannot be kept by force, only by understanding", however we all know that not every being on this earth is prone to 'understand' the worth of human life. I am not religious by any means I just believe that we should all learn to coexist. To be honest on most subjects I take a neutral point of view, understanding both sides of the story.


  1. Whew, army? Truth be told I've never thought army as a soluton against poverty. So, I things are looking up, aren't they? That's good!

  2. Oh, on account of the advice, there's nothing specific, really Actually you should write what is true to your self. Sometimes it seems that no one cares about what you have to say, but it's not true. You could think this like a diary, only it will answer. Just don't write the whole name of anyone (well, just in case).
    Ooops, got to go now, I'm working part time at a bead shop.
    Welcome to the Blogopolis!!!

  3. thank you for the comments:) They are always welcome, however everyone is a critic and not all critics are welcome inside my head if you know what I mean::)).
