Sunday, September 20, 2009

"off the deep end :)"

Just the other day someone told me that my blog wasn't deep enough, not as deep as their own blogspot. Well I am sure they are justified in some sense and believe in what they are saying. Although I would never think to tell someone that when they are merely writing about their own life experiences. I do this because it helps me, helps me to keep sane, feel normal in a weird sense of the word, and have a voice albeit a very little voice but still a voice of my own. In the military it is very rare to feel like you have much of anything that is your own, you feel like you belong to the military and every sense of who and what you were before you joined belongs to it as well. I wasn't intending to write this blog to seem "deep" or extra special I just needed an outlet for something that is under my skin and itches too much if I don't let it out every now and again. So I really do have something to learn from his comment.....a mirror is what I hold up everytime I see someone new, but I face it in their direction so they can see themselves more clearly when they speak to me (I don't mean that as an insult but some might take it that way) because all people will ever do is show you who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, que sera sera... Don't listen to what anyone says. when one writes about himself/herself how can it not be deep? Besides, we express here, so no, it doesn't matter what it is that we want to say.
